tag:blog.shashankbatra.com,2013:/posts Shashank's Musings 2024-03-04T01:03:55Z Shashank Batra tag:blog.shashankbatra.com,2013:Post/2091839 2024-02-22T10:29:57Z 2024-03-04T01:03:55Z Deep Work and AI
There's an interesting parallel that I found in the mechanism that Cal Newport has proposed to quantify 'shallow work' in his book 'Deep Work' and in the mechanism that Andrew Ng has proposed to gauge what current LLMs (think ChatGPT, Google's Gemini or Microsoft Copilot) can or cannot do in DeepLearning.AI's course 'Generative AI for Everyone.'
Shashank Batra
tag:blog.shashankbatra.com,2013:Post/2091389 2024-02-21T04:59:58Z 2024-03-03T11:40:29Z Attention to Avoidance
I've recently come to realize the immense value of being mindful of what we subconsciously avoid.
Shashank Batra
tag:blog.shashankbatra.com,2013:Post/2091371 2024-02-21T03:28:24Z 2024-03-04T01:01:10Z Solo founders, your startup is not exactly a baby
If you have ever listened to entrepreneurs, whether publicly or in private, you would have, at some point, heard them refer to their startups as their babies.

There are indeed enough similarities between babies and startups. Founders create their startups. They care for it and are proud of it. They can't help but talk about it incessantly, dreaming of its success even in their sleep. They want it to be successful even after they're gone. It takes over their entire life and every decision they make. It doesn't care if they're asleep. It becomes entwined with their identity. The early days are exciting but also a struggle. If everything goes right, then after a point, it doesn't need them anymore to function correctly and succeed. It's a long-term commitment. Not everyone wants to or is naturally suited to have kids, and not everyone wants to or is naturally suited to start a company. But everyone can become better suited to it with some effort.

But lately, I noticed a fundamental similarity between babies and startups that bears many consequences for solo founders. Just like babies, startups take on the identities and values of their founders. This nuance makes solo-founder-led startups way harder.
Shashank Batra
tag:blog.shashankbatra.com,2013:Post/2089576 2024-02-15T13:53:56Z 2024-03-03T11:40:35Z AI Companies, but not for long

Nearly all companies claiming to be AI companies today, including mine, would not call themselves AI companies in a few years. There's a fascinating transformation underway, and understanding its nuances not only reveals the trajectory of AI but also unravels key insights into the dynamics of startups and technology.
Shashank Batra
tag:blog.shashankbatra.com,2013:Post/2083843 2024-02-02T06:20:08Z 2024-03-03T11:40:39Z The Essence of Social Causes
Social causes of all kinds can be summed up by the following:
"The needs of the few outweigh the wants of the many."

Or maybe let's expand it and make it more poetic, 
"The needs or rights of any outweigh the wants or desires of the many."

All that changes between various social causes is the specifics of the 'any' here. The 'any' may be a minority group, homeless people, or future generations. Or it may even be voiceless animals or a community of merely a handful of people. Here are some examples of this phrase in action...
Shashank Batra
tag:blog.shashankbatra.com,2013:Post/2069241 2024-01-01T10:07:50Z 2024-02-20T15:58:48Z Essays coming soon...
  • The Life Curve
  • Incomprehensible Happiness
  • The Hated Volunteers
  • Don't Start Solo
  • If You Start Solo, Do This
  • Tech And Street Animals
  • Where Rules Don't Matter
  • More Role Models
  • RIP Backyards
  • At Elite Colleges, Teach Failing First
Shashank Batra