Brag, sometimes

This essay is going to be a tad bit personal. It's an attempt to share an important viewpoint I hold and explain something about myself. This essay is also one that could serve as my response to Peter Thiel's famous question: "What important truth do very few people agree with you on?"

If you've read my blog's about-me section or visited my company's about-us page, you've probably noticed that I frequently mention my volunteering efforts. I mention them in my essays and post about them on my Instagram as well. Some might find this off-putting, which raises interesting questions: Why do I continue to talk about it openly? Why do I believe others should do the same? And perhaps most intriguingly, why does this make some people uncomfortable?

The Essence of Social Causes

Social causes of all kinds can be summed up by the following:
"The needs of the few outweigh the wants of the many."

Or maybe let's expand it and make it more poetic, 
"The needs or rights of any outweigh the wants or desires of the many."

All that changes between various social causes is the specifics of the 'any' here. The 'any' may be a minority group, homeless people, or future generations. Or it may even be voiceless animals or a community of merely a handful of people. Here are some examples of this phrase in action...